Recruiting help to save you money.
If your student-athlete needs to get evaluated by college coaches for scholarship consideration and to sign with a college program, our GUARANTEED College Matching Program is right for you!


1. Develop a recruiting plan and get evaluated by a third party.

What are you currently doing to get evaluated for college scholarships?  What results has your current plan produced?  If you are not currently being contacted by college coaches at least once per week, then you are not being actively recruited.   

You need to be evaluated by as many college coaches nationwide as possible to maximize your scholarship opportunities and securing a college roster spot immediately!   Attending several camps and showcases also increases your evaluation exposure to coaches.

 2. Create your FREE MyScoutingReport NOW! 

Online profiles are the fastest way for college coaches to evaluate a prospects academic qualifications, athletic attributes, highlight/game videos, review game schedules, news articles and how to contact you.   Create your FREE MyScoutingReport  immediately for scholarship evaluation by college coaches nationwide!


3. Take charge of your game, highlight, or skills video!

DO NOT wait around for someone else to burn game DVD's or edit a highlight video for you!  Take control of your recruiting process by taking action each day until your video(s) are complete and accessible by college coaches.   

4. Be realistic about your projected college level. 

Too many college prospects get focused on competing ONLY for major NCAA Division I programs, that they miss out on opportunities to compete at a lower level and possibly on a scholarship.  


Time and again college prospects limit themselves to only wanting to compete at a certain level, local area, in-state, U.S. region or certain conferences.  The fact of the matter is that college coaches get to choose which players they want on their roster and which to offer scholarships to.  It's not the players or parents that choose...once again, it's the college coaches.  By limiting yourself to only certain areas for recruitment, you can bet your life that there will be some college coach around the country that could use a student-athlete like you!   


1. What are the opportunities like to compete in college wrestling?

Take advantage of every opportunity to compete both at local and national tournaments. There are just under 300 schools with wrestling programs at the collegiate level.

2. What should my wrestling video include for college coaches?

What are your best take downs? How about your technique? These are moves that college coaches are looking for and use to assess your skills in a wrestling video. It helps them determine whether they want to come see you at various tournaments.

3. What are the scholarship opportunities like for college wrestling?

At the Division I level, schools are only allowed up to 9.9 scholarships. College wrestling rosters are usually 30 to 35. Good grades and continuing to improve your skills are important.

4. What are some tournaments I should be attending for wrestling exposure?

College coaches are going to the top state and national tournaments. The top tournament in the country is Fargo for Cadet and Junior Nationals during the summer. Then the National High School event is in Virginia during the Spring.

5. What should I be doing to improve when I'm not on the mat?

Work on building your strength, technique and weight control. Properly maintain your healthy weight and continue to improve your skills. Wrestling has grown a lot in past decade. Focus on your technique and build strength.


There are slightly more than 300 college wrestling programs in the country. Schools can be selective when offering wrestling scholarships, and that’s why it’s important for every wrestling recruit to know what level of competition he’s best suited for.  AASR’s recruiting guidelines can help you decide what schools you’re most likely to receive a wrestling scholarship from.

Wrestling scholarships are scarce, and finding out as much as you can about the recruiting process is very important. The knowledge provided by AASR can prove to be an essential tool for wrestling recruits hoping to make the process just a little easier.


Grades: 3.0 + GPA, 24+ ACT, 1000+ SAT (Out of 1600)

Major Tournaments

  • Fargo Junior/Cadet National
  • Super 32 Challenge (NC)
  • Ironman Invitational (OH)
  • Beast of the East (DE)
  • Reno Tournament of Champions (NV)
  • Five-Counties Invitational (CA)
  • Powerade Christmas Tournament
  • FloNational (OH)
  • Virginia Beach Senior Nationals 
  • Cheesehead Invitational (WI)
  • Medina Invitational (OH) 

                               WRESTLING RECRUITING CALENDAR

Freshmen Year: Plan. Highlight Tape. Make contacts.

  • Create a list of prospective schools, research 2-3 a week
  • Get an evaluation of your wrestling skills
  • Get your highlight tape ready


Tips from Wrestling Expert:

  • DI and DII coaches can’t contact you personally until Junior year


Sophomore Year: Proactive. Strengthen Relationships.

  • Make your highlight film


Tips from Expert:

  • DIII and NAIA can contact you at anytime
  • DI and DII coaches can’t personally contact you
  • Keep building strength in by putting time in the weight room and making good grades


Junior Year: Big Year.

  • Respond to EVERY coach
  • Fill out the questionnaires
  • Film your matches and make highlight tape
  • Invite coaches to matches and tournaments
  • Make visits to colleges


Tips from Expert:

  • If you haven’t heard from DI, start considering DII, DIII, NAIA programs
  • DI and DII coaches will start to make offers


Senior Year: Pin down your program.

  • Call coaches, ask questions, and fill out questionnaires
  • Learn about college application process
  • Make official visits- you are only allowed 5
  • Find out where you stand on recruiting list
  • Regular signing period is in April 


Not all colleges that are eligible to offer scholarships will choose to do so. For example, Ivy League schools choose not to offer athletic scholarships.

Wrestling is an equivalency sport which means all scholarships are NOT full scholarships, and coaches may divide the total number of scholarships allotted to them between as many athletes as they need.

                  PROGRAMS     SCHOLARSHIPS

NCAA I:          73                           9.9

NCAA II:          52                          9.9

NCAA III:         87                            0

NAIA:              31                            8 

NJCAA:          61                           16

TOTAL:         304

NCAA III do not offer athletic scholarships, but offer academic scholarships and financial aid.  

                                 FILMING YOUR WRESTLING VIDEO

How to Film: 

  • Include time between rounds and referee re-sets.  Coaches want to see you wrestle, but they also want to see how you react to coaching between rounds, if you hustle back to the center when the referee calls out-of-bounds, your sportsmanship, and overall demeanor (i.e. high head or confidence even if you are behind.)
  • Continue to film from the moment you step on the mat until you step off, even if the match hits a few slow spots.
  • Do not zoom in too close to try to show facial expressions.  Focus on the three key elements, yourself, your opponent and the referee.
  • try to capture as much of the mat as possible, including the referee.
  • If possible, film the individual, not team score board.  If capturing the score board requires you to zoom to far out, film the score board between rounds instead.  Show the final score on the scoreboard.